Jscrollpane mousedrag not working in popup on opera 12.12

Here is my code snippet. This code is working correctly in every browser even in IE all versions except opera 12.12 and above

$(function() { jQuery(".footer_right li a").click(function(event){ var pop=jQuery(this).attr('href'); pop=pop.substr(pop.lastIndexOf('#'),pop.length); $('.popup').hide(); jQuery(pop+',.popup_section').fadeIn('slow',function() { scrollpane = $(pop).jScrollPane({showArrows: true, scrollbarWidth : '20'}).data().jsp; }); if(event.preventDefault()) event.preventDefault(); else event.returnValue = false; return false; }); });

Please use the below URL for live example: http://wordpress.markupbox.com/vidit_new1/

You need to scroll down to the bottom of the page and cleck on privacy to open a pop up

Please help. Thanks in advance

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/71142.html

上一篇: 在移动浏览器上“自动播放”HTML5音频播放器

下一篇: Jscrollpane mousedrag不适用于歌剧12.12的弹出窗口