can a method with return type as list be called from a thread

I have a method, shown below, which calls a service.

How can I run this method through thread?

public List<AccessDetails> GetAccessListOfMirror(string mirrorId,string server)
    List<AccessDetails> accessOfMirror = new List<AccessDetails>();
    string loginUserId = SessionManager.Session.Current.LoggedInUserName;
    string userPassword = SessionManager.Session.Current.Password;

    using (Service1Client client = new Service1Client())
        accessOfMirror = client.GetMirrorList1(mirrorId, server, null);

    return accessOfMirror;

In C# 3.5 or 4.0 you can do this.

var task = Task.Factory.StartNew<List<AccessDetails>>(() => GetAccessListOfMirror(mirrorId,server))
.ContinueWith(tsk => ProcessResult(tsk));

private void ProcessResult(Task task)
    var result = task.Result;

In C# 4.5 there's the await/async keywords which is some sugar for above

public async Task<List<AccessDetails>> GetAccessListOfMirror(string mirrorId,string server)

var myResult = await GetAccessListOfMirror(mirrorId, server)


public async Task<List<AccessDetails>> GetAccessListOfMirror(string mirrorId, string server)
        List<AccessDetails> accessOfMirror = new List<AccessDetails>();
        string loginUserId = SessionManager.Session.Current.LoggedInUserName;
        string userPassword = SessionManager.Session.Current.Password;

        using (Service1Client client = new Service1Client())
            Task<List<AccessDetails>> Detail = client.GetMirrorList1(mirrorId, server, null);
            accessOfMirror = await Detail;


        return accessOfMirror;

Below is a helper class I use, it references RX.NET.

If you include that in your project, then you can thread stuff very simply - the code above you could spin off to a separate thread as follows:

int mirrorId = 0;
string server = "xxx";
ASync.Run<List<AccessDetails>>(GetAccessListOfMirror(mirrorId,server), resultList => {
   foreach(var accessDetail in resultList)
         // do stuff with result
}, error => { // if error occured on other thread, handle exception here  });

Worth noting : that lambda expression is merged back to the original calling thread - which is very handy if you're initiating your async operations from a GUI thread for example.

It also has another very handy method: Fork lets you spin off multiple worker threads and causes the calling thread to block until all the sub-threads are either complete or errored.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Concurrency;

namespace MyProject

    public static class ASync
        public static void ThrowAway(Action todo)
            ThrowAway(todo, null);

        public static void ThrowAway(Action todo, Action<Exception> onException)
            if (todo == null)

            Run<bool>(() =>
                return true;
            }, null, onException);

        public static bool Fork(Action<Exception> onError, params Action[] toDo)
            bool errors = false;
            var fork = Observable.ForkJoin(toDo.Select(t => Observable.Start(t).Materialize()));
            foreach (var x in fork.First())
                if (x.Kind == NotificationKind.OnError)
                    if(onError != null)

                    errors = true;

            return !errors;

        public static bool Fork<T>(Action<Exception> onError, IEnumerable<T> args, Action<T> perArg)
            bool errors = false;
            var fork = Observable.ForkJoin(args.Select(arg => Observable.Start(() => { perArg(arg); }).Materialize()));
            foreach (var x in fork.First())
                if (x.Kind == NotificationKind.OnError)
                    if (onError != null)

                    errors = true;

            return !errors;

        public static void Run<TResult>(Func<TResult> todo, Action<TResult> continuation, Action<Exception> onException)
            bool errored = false;
            IDisposable subscription = null;

            var toCall = Observable.ToAsync<TResult>(todo);
            var observable =
                Observable.CreateWithDisposable<TResult>(o => toCall().Subscribe(o)).ObserveOn(Scheduler.Dispatcher).Catch(
                (Exception err) =>
                    errored = true;

                        if (onException != null)

                        return Observable.Never<TResult>();
                () =>
                    if (subscription != null)

            subscription = observable.Subscribe((TResult result) =>
                if (!errored && continuation != null)
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (onException != null)

上一篇: 基于偏好的分组算法

下一篇: 可以从线程调用返回类型为列表的方法