Are there any naming convention guidelines for REST APIs?

When creating REST APIs, are there any guidelines or defacto standards for naming conventions within the API (eg: URL endpoint path components, querystring parameters)? Are camel caps the norm, or underscores? others?

For example:


Note: This is not a question of RESTful API design, rather the naming convention guidelines to use for the eventual path components and/or query string parameters used.

Any guidelines would be appreciated.

I think you should avoid camel caps. The norm is to use lower case letters. I would also avoid underscores and use dashes instead

So your URL should look like this (ignoring the design issues as you requested :-))

Dropbox,Twitter,Google Web Services和Facebook的REST API全部使用下划线。

Look closely at URI's for ordinary web resources. Those are your template. Think of directory trees; use simple Linux-like file and directory names.

HelloWorld isn't a really good class of resources. It doesn't appear to be a "thing". It might be, but it isn't very noun-like. A greeting is a thing.

user-id might be a noun that you're fetching. It's doubtful, however, that the result of your request is only a user_id. It's much more likely that the result of the request is a User. Therefore, user is the noun you're fetching

Makes sense to me. Focus on making your REST request a kind of noun phrase -- a path through a hierarchy (or taxonomy, or directory). Use the simplest nouns possible, avoiding noun phrases if possible.

Generally, compound noun phrases usually mean another step in your hierarchy. So you don't have /hello-world/user/ and /hello-universe/user/ . You have /hello/world/user/ and hello/universe/user/ . Or possibly /world/hello/user/ and /universe/hello/user/ .

The point is to provide a navigation path among resources.


上一篇: REST API 404:错误的URI或缺少资源?

下一篇: 是否有任何关于REST API的命名约定准则?