How to choose between JAX

In what contexts is it better to use one over the other and why?


JAX-WS is an API for SOAP-based WS, and using it for RESTful WebServices is not the best way to go about things.

So if you're looking to implement a RESTful WebService, use JAX-RS .

I feel like Web services are mostly tied for UDDI type applications. REST is just a plain evolution to make stateless http protocol to stateful thing by using http method communications for doing CRUD operations. Like mapping operations to methods GET, PUT, POST and DELETE .

Web Services are into coding for Airplane ticket reservation systems, Online banking, payment gateways, etc. Where there are a set of standard systems expose their API in some definitions. The JAX-RS is for providing some light weight layer for resources...

Jax-WS supports both SOAP and ReST, however if you need the features of the WS* protocols, JAX-WS is the right API. Due to this JAX-WS is somewhat complex to use in comparison to ReST.


上一篇: 为新的Api使用SOAP或REST

下一篇: 如何在JAX之间进行选择