redirect to page after confirmation?

How do I redirect the page once the user has seen the confirmation page?

I am using 3.5, it's not showing me a message instead it's just redirecting to the default page. I want to see the message and once the user has clicked 'ok' then it redirects to another page.

ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), key, "jAlert('" + msg + "','" + title + "');", true);
Response.Redirect("default.aspx", false);

Pass the page redirect as part of the Javascript, rather than as a server-side redirect:

var redirectLocation = Page.ResolveUrl("default.aspx");
var title = "Message Title";
var message = "Detail of the message";
var scriptTemplate = "jAlert('{0}','{1}'); location.href='{2}'";

var script = string.Format(scriptTemplate, message, title, redirectLocation);
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), key, script, true);

I've broken it out like that to hopefully make my answer easier to read, plus it makes for code that's easier to maintain =)


上一篇: ASP.NET MVC3 Ajax.ActionLink
