Aptana Studio 3 Menu Bar in OS X Mavericks

Well I know other people are having the same problem, and I did see a similar question already on Stack Overflow, but I'm still having problems.

I updated the latest JRE (prompted to as soon as I opened Aptana) and now when I run Aptana, the menu bar is gone and replaced with the menu bar of the last application window I had open (Right now, Chrome). The solution I found was to install the newest fix of Aptana, but the instructions said to update it by navigating through the very menu bar that isn't appearing. Talk about pulling my hair out. Obviously, I could do a complete reinstall of the app but I want to avoid this. I've spent a lot of time making personal themes for syntax.

As the title states, I'm running Mavericks OS.

So my question is, is there an alternative to install this update without having to do a full reinstall of Aptana?

The latest Aptana Studio 3.4.3 RC build contains support for Mavericks. You could update using the update site http://preview.appcelerator.com/aptana/studio3/standalone/update/rc/.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/71632.html

上一篇: Aptana Studio 3 GIT更新错误

下一篇: OS X Mavericks中的Aptana Studio 3菜单栏