How to edit the text color in .txt files in Eclipse

I am using the Eclipse dark theme. A lot of my projects, however, require the use of text files for various reasons. Because the text is black, and the editor is black, I cannot read the text in these files if I view them in eclipse. I found where to change colors for things like .c .java etc (preferences->general->appearance->colors and fonts) but I don't see where I can change the text color for .txt files.

Is it possible to make .txt files readable in Eclipse's dark theme? Or do I need to switch back to the white theme?

I found an answer online which said to follow the path (General>Appearance>Editors>TextEditors) but I don't have this path. I assume the options hierarchy must have been updated in the last major release of Eclipse.

I was using Eclipse Luna. Upgrading to Eclipse Mars fixed my issue.


上一篇: jQuery事件绑定

下一篇: 如何在Eclipse中编辑.txt文件中的文本颜色