Different CSS style for JSF messages

In JSF, I have included the following line in my xhtml file:

<h:panelGroup id="messageHeader">
   <h:messages for="messageHeader" layout="list" errorClass="error"  infoClass="inform"/>

The text gets rendered as

  <li class="error"> Please enter a First Name </li>
  <li class="error"> Please enter a Last Name </li>

How do I get the CSS style to apply to the <ul> tag or some surrounding <span> tag?

Here is what I am trying to do. I want all error messages to appear in a single red box. I also want all info messages to appear in a single green box. The example above produces 2 red boxes; one for each <li> item.

Use the styleClass attribute of <h:messages> . It will be applied on the parent HTML element.


<h:messages styleClass="messages" />

will end up as

<ul class="messages">

Update : you seem to want to show info and error messages in separate lists. Use two <h:messages/> instead on which you hide the other severity.

<h:messages styleClass="errorMessages" infoStyle="hide" />
<h:messages styleClass="infoMessages" errorStyle="hide" />


.hide {
    display: none;

This could be done by providing h:messages tag for each message type you need to show with appropriate condition. For exapmle for error message type:

<h:panelGroup id="errorMessageHeader" class="whatever you need" rendered="#{FacesContext.isValidationFailed()}">
   <h:messages for="errorMessageHeader" layout="list" errorClass="error" />

Conditions for other message types you can find by combining methods from


Thanks, AK

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/71654.html

上一篇: 如何编写和配置自定义facelet以覆盖h:消息?

下一篇: JSF消息的不同CSS样式