Google Analytics add custom click event to in

I've added the '_trackEvent' onclick function to all of my outbound links on my webpage and Analytics is tracking the events just fine. The problem is that the clicks don't show up on the in-page view - the one which shows click % - which is a feature I'd like to track. How do I do it?

as Google Analytics can only track content that reports to the GA account (UA) that is configured, even if the external pages that your links point to have GA installed, it won´t show on your in-page analytics.

The in-page Analytics report show the percentage based on the amount of pageviews of the pages that any links point to, inside your domain, so no outbound links.

If your´re really interested in analysing the percentage of clicks in a specific button, you could change your _trackEvent method to id the button in someway.

Find more about _trackEvent
Find more about In-Page Analytics

Augusto Roselli
Web Analytics - Google Certified


上一篇: 如何在Google Analytics中跟踪#个Ajax链接?

下一篇: Google Analytics添加自定义点击事件