

我试图写一个相对简单的应用程序; 取约1k个对象的JSON字符串,将它们分成组,并计算该组中每个对象的总体特定值。 问题是,我需要总数精确到几个小数,因此,我使用BigDecimal(我相信这是导致多次调用的原因)。


RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

我明白这个错误来自一个调用函数的函数,等等等等,直到链变得足够长以至可能是一个无限循环。 但是,这似乎也是由我的功能触发下面。

我老实地跺脚,不太清楚如何解决这个问题。 使用基于回调的应用程序(如Node),您会认为已经制定了有关如何解决调用堆栈大小的良好标准。 不幸的是,我的搜索一无所获。 任何帮助将不胜感激。


// Mongoose
var db = mongoose.connection;
db.on("error", console.error.bind(console, "connection error:"));

// If connection success
db.once("open", function() {
    // Define current period schema/model
    var Mixed = mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed;
    var curSchema = mongoose.Schema({
        total: Mixed,
        startTime: { type: Number, default: 0 },
        lastTime: { type: Number, default: 0 },
        high: Mixed,
        low: Mixed 
    var curModel = mongoose.model("curModel", curSchema);
    // Create current period
    currentPeriod = new curModel({total: new bigdecimal.BigDecimal("0"),
                                        high: new bigdecimal.BigDecimal("0"),
                                        low: new bigdecimal.BigDecimal("999") });

    curModel.find(function(err,current) {
            if (err) console.error("=== FAILED TO FIND CURRENT PERIOD! ===");


/* *
 * Update database with newest orders
var updateOrders = function(error, r, body) {
    var response = JSON.parse(body);

    // Stop if retrieval failed
    if (error || !response || response.error) {
        console.log("Failed to retreive trade history:");
        console.log(error || response.error);
    // Loop through every order, from bottom
    var k = Object.keys(response);
    for (var i = k.length - 1; i>=0; i--) {
        var j = k[i];
        var amount = new bigdecimal.BigDecimal(response[j].amount);
        var price = new bigdecimal.BigDecimal(response[j].price);

        // If we haven't logged this order yet (and it's in the current period)
        if (response[j].date >= currentPeriod.lastTime && response[j].date - currentPeriod.startTime < 900) {

            if (!(i%20)) console.log("Adding " + amount.toString() + " to total. Time: " + (response[j].date - currentPeriod.startTime) + ". I: " + i);
            currentPeriod.total = currentPeriod.total.add(amount);
            currentPeriod.lastTime = response[j].date;
            if (price.compareTo(currentPeriod.high)===1) currentPeriod.high = price;
            if (price.compareTo(currentPeriod.low)===-1) currentPeriod.low = price;

        // If we've passed the 15-minute mark
        if (response[j].date - currentPeriod.startTime >= 900) {
            // If we should save
            if (currentPeriod.startTime !== 0) {
                console.log("=== Period end ("+response[j].date+") === ");
                console.log("End index: " + i);
                console.log("Total: " + currentPeriod.total.toString());
                console.log("High: " + currentPeriod.high.toString());
                console.log("Low: " + currentPeriod.low.toString());
                console.log("Closing: " + price);

                // Mark as modified
                // Save
                currentPeriod.save(function(err,period) {
                        if (err) console.error("=== Failed to save current period! ===");

            currentPeriod.total = new bigdecimal.BigDecimal("0").add(amount);
            currentPeriod.lastTime = response[j].date;
            currentPeriod.startTime = response[j].date;
            currentPeriod.high = price;
            currentPeriod.low = price;
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/71689.html

上一篇: Avoiding exceeding call stack size in Node.JS with Mongoose

下一篇: Javascript window.location calls getting lost?