Getting posted data from ajax to flask server and displaying template

I don't think my question qualifies a duplicate (at not obvious to a lay user like me). Either way let me clarify what I need, and my present kludgy solution.

  • A user event (ctrl v) sends data to the server using a 'POST' method. The only reason I am using ajax is to get pasted images from the clipboard.

  • On the server a flask/python function reads the data, and eventually displays the results in the form render_template('index.html',results=func(request.form))

  • Surely this can't be that tricky. From the comments below I came up with a makedo solution. ajax posts to server, python saves data to a file, returns the filename to ajax. The done function in ajax is modified to redirect to a url containing the filename.

    done(function(filename) {
            window.location.href = "/scan/"+filename;

    And finally I have a route for

    def somefunc(filename):
        return render_template("index.html",results=...)

    I have no idea whether this is a good way to do this or even safe.

    Original post

    In this simple example, a script listens for a 'paste' (ctrl+v) event, and then routes it to a flask/python function. But for some reason the last render_template call is never executed.

    html & javascript

    Press Ctrl+V (page must be focused)
    <br /><br />
    {%if msg %}
        {{ msg }}
    {% endif %}
    <script src=""></script>
    <script type=text/javascript>
    //Listen for a Ctr+V event
    document.addEventListener('paste', function (e) {send_data(e);},false);
    send_data = function (e) {
        var fd = new FormData();
        fd.append('data', "Mytest");
                type: 'POST',
                url: '/pastetest',
                data: fd,
                processData: false,
                contentType: false
        }).done(function() {
           console.log('sent to server');


    def index():
        return render_template('paste4.html',msg="Waiting")
    def image_upload():
        print("On the server")
        return render_template('paste4.html',msg="All Done") #<-- Doesn't execute??

    The output on the terminal confirms that everything went smoothly with the 'POST'.

     * Serving Flask app "pasteapp"
     * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
    yo - - [06/Nov/2017 21:25:37] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
    On the server
    ImmutableMultiDict([('data', 'Mytest')]) - - [06/Nov/2017 21:25:42] "POST /pastetest HTTP/1.1" 200 -

    But the last 'All Done' is never displayed on the page. I just can't understand what's going here.


    上一篇: jQuery UI对话框以及asp.net中的Ajax POST

    下一篇: 从ajax获取张贴的数据到瓶服务器并显示模板