ajax cache not working

Possible Duplicate:
Abort Ajax requests using jQuery
The cache option of jQuery .ajax doesn't work in Firefox and Chrome?

When I click on a page and it loads i want to cache that but right now its not working, if someone can tell me where is the problem in my code and what am i missing. Here is my code:

$('.nav ul li a').click( function() {
        var pageHref=$(this).attr('href');


            url: pageHref,
            dataType: "html",
            type: "GET",
            cache: true,
            success: function() {

                $('.content').load(pageHref + " #cnt");

        return false;

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/71930.html

上一篇: 中止以前运行的Ajax请求

下一篇: ajax缓存不工作