Different between ajax & json

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    please read details on internet by quick google search.

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    AJAX stands for Asynchronous Javascript and XML, which is a mechanism used to launch asynchronous HTTP requests to a server using JavaScript. Don't let the name fool you; there's no restriction on you only retrieving JavaScript or XML from this technique. You can quite happily return other data formats as well (HTML, plain text and JSON, to list a few).

    JSON is just one of these formats. It's a data interchange format, where-as AJAX is a technique to communicate with a server after the initate page load has completed.

    To answer your question on whether you need to specify the dataType; jQuery will best guess the response format (be it HTML or JSON etc), so you're usually fine to omit it

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/71940.html

    上一篇: jquery使用ajax发送数据并保存在php中

    下一篇: ajax和json不同