Select Promotional Price

The goal

Get the lowest price of a product.

The problem

To illustrate my problem:

Row 1

  • Product_Id = 1
  • Product_Name = "iPhone 5"
  • Market_Name = "Walmart"
  • Product_Original_Price = "359.00"
  • Product_Promotional_Price = "319.00"
  • Product_State = 1 (is on offer)
  • Row 2

  • Product_Id = 1
  • Product_Name = "iPhone 5"
  • Market_Name = "Apple"
  • Product_Original_Price = "359.00"
  • Product_Promotional_Price = "0.00"
  • Product_State = 0 (isn't on offer)
  • Row 3

  • Product_Id = 1
  • Product_Name = "iPhone 5"
  • Market_Name = "BestBuy"
  • Product_Original_Price = "359.00"
  • Product_Promotional_Price = "299.00"
  • Product_State = 1 (is on offer)
  • The query of the next topic ( What I have ) is returning me zero as the best price of the problem illustrated above — but the best price is 299.00 , by BestBuy , because zero at Product_Promotional_Price means that the product isn't on offer.

    What I have

      MIN(LEAST(`Product_Original_Price`, `Product_Promotional_Price`)) as `minProductPrice`


    My query:

        SELECT  `pr`.`Product_Id` as `productId`,
        `pr`.`Product_Name` as `productName`,
        ROUND(CAST(MIN(`map`.`Product_Original_Price`) AS DECIMAL)/100,2) 
          as `minProductPrice`,
        `prm`.`Product_Measure_Name` as `measureName`,
        `prm`.`Product_Measure_Shortname` as `measureShortName`,
        `pri`.`Product_Thumbnail_Image_Url` as `thumbnailUrl`,
        `pr`.`Product_Markets_Quantity` as `numberOfMarketsThatHaveThisProduct`
    FROM `bm_market_products` as `map`
    JOIN `bm_products` as `pr` ON `map`.`Product_Id` = `pr`.`Product_Id`
    JOIN `bm_products_category_relationship` as `car` ON `pr`.`Product_Id` =
    JOIN `bm_product_categories` as `ca` ON `car`.`Category_Id` = `ca`.`Category_Id`
    JOIN `bm_products_measure_relationship` as `prmr` ON `pr`.`Product_Id` = 
    JOIN `bm_product_measures` as `prm` ON `prmr`.`Measure_Id` =
    JOIN `bm_products_images` as `pri` ON `pr`.`Product_Id` = `pri`.`Product_Id`
    WHERE ("" IS NULL OR `map`.`Product_State` = 0)
    AND ("" IS NULL OR `ca`.`Category_Id` = 14)
    GROUP BY `map`.`Product_Id`;

    What the query returns:


    What I already have tried:

    Considering that Product_State determines whether a product is on offer or not, follow this fragment:

    SELECT  `pr`.`Product_Id` as `productId`,
        `pr`.`Product_Name` as `productName`,
        (IF(`map`.`Product_State` <> 0) THEN
          MIN(LEAST(`Product_Original_Price`, `Product_Promotional_Price`))
        ELSE (`map`.Product_Original_Price) as `minProductPrice`,
        `prm`.`Product_Measure_Name` as `measureName`,
        `prm`.`Product_Measure_Shortname` as `measureShortName`,
        `pri`.`Product_Thumbnail_Image_Url` as `thumbnailUrl`,
        `pr`.`Product_Markets_Quantity` as `numberOfMarketsThatHaveThisProduct`

    Can you see the IF/THEN/ELSE ? This is what has been added in relation to the previous query.

    The above query doesn't work — syntax isn't correct, I know, but it was just to illustrate.

    The solution

    Gordon Linoff posted this answer and with it, I made this:

    SELECT  [...]
        ROUND(CAST(MIN(CASE WHEN `map`.`Product_Promotional_Price` = 0 THEN `map`.`Product_Original_Price`
                ELSE LEAST(`map`.`Product_Promotional_Price`, `map`.`Product_Original_Price`)
           end) AS DECIMAL)/100,2) as `minProductPrice`,

    To clarify, I just adapted his [Gordon Linoff] syntax to my scenario — with ROUND to rounding numbers and CAST to set a value as a certain type.

    Worked perfectly!! Thanks!!

    You need to fix your logic for getting the lowest price. A case statement is the best way. Here is an example:

    select MIN(case when `Product_Promotional_Price` = 0 then `Product_Original_Price`
                    else least(`Product_Promotional_Price`, `Product_Original_Price`)

    where Product_Original_Price!=0 and Product_Promotional_Price!=0放到最后;


    上一篇: 我完全不理解Angular数据绑定

    下一篇: 选择促销价格