Precompile Underscore templates without underscore.js dependency

I am using grunt-contrib-jst to precompile my templates and it's all working great. However, I am using this to build a plugin and I want to keep the filesize as small as possible.

I don't use underscore.js in my code, but the precompiled templates seem to have it as a dependency. Here is a sample:

template = function(obj) {
    obj || (obj = {});
    var __t, __p = '', __e = _.escape;
    with (obj) {
    __p += '<div>n</div>';

    return __p

As you can see, the snippet __e = _.escape requires underscore.js, but the template doesn't use __e at all.

Is there any way I can force grunt-contrib-jst to compile templates in a way so they don't require underscore.js?


上一篇: jQuery Mobile:将数据从一个页面发送到另一个页面

下一篇: 预编译下划线模板,不含underscore.js依赖项