Google Chrome Extension with OAuth

I am trying to integrate OAuth with my chrome extension. I am following the tutorial by google:

I create ExOauth from the background.js (defined by me and it is loaded by background.html).

var oauth = ChromeExOAuth.initBackgroundPage({
    'request_url': '',
    'authorize_url': '',
    'access_url': '',
    'consumer_key': 'anonymous',
    'consumer_secret': 'anonymous',
    'scope': '',
    'app_name': Test app'


Here is the OnAuthorized method:

onAuthorized = function () {
    // Start my application logic.

Am I missing something here? When I load the extension, it opens up several "Redirecting...." tabs. 多个Oauth选项卡

The tutorial seems to be missing one file. If you open chrome_ex_oauth.html , you'll see that it tries to load 3 js files:

<script type="text/javascript" src="chrome_ex_oauthsimple.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="chrome_ex_oauth.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="onload.js"></script>

The onload.js file is not provided. The OAuth contacts example provides such a file, with the following content:

window.onload = function() {

After adding this file, it seems to work just fine.

I know the Question is a bit older but i had the same Problem.

I made the mistake that i want to authenticate two oauth endpoint and call both times the ChromeExOAuth.initBackgroundPage({}) Obviously that's wrong cause i dont want to init my background page twice.

Maybe using the ..._oauthsimple.js will fix that


上一篇: 如何自动更改文本框的语言

下一篇: 带有OAuth的Google Chrome扩展程序