
介绍有点冗长,请耐心等待。 :)

我正在为使用汇编编写的大型源文件编写一个简单的基于正则表达式的解析器。 大多数这些指令只是移动,增加,减少和跳跃,但它是一个非常大的文件,我需要移植到两种不同的语言,我懒得手动完成它。 这是要求,我不能做很多'回合(所以请不要回答“你为什么不简单使用ANTLR”)。





  • 有一个单一的MOV正则表达式可以处理所有这些情况,或者
  • 对于每种指令类型,都有多个MOV正则表达式。 这种方法的问题是,我将不得不小心设计每个正则表达式以避免任何含糊之处。 而且看起来会有很多重复,因为源操作数和目标操作数共享许多寻址模式。
  • 我的问题是:如果我对所有指令都有一个正则表达式,我应该如何指定我的组和捕获才能区分不同的模式?





    ^MOV              (?#instruction)
    s+               (?#some whitespace)
    (?<dest>[^s,]+)  (?#match everything except whitespace and comma)
    s*,s*           (?#match comma, allow some whitespace)
    (?<src>[^s,]+)   (?#match everything except whitespace and comma)$

    所以,我当然可以做到这一点,然后分别处理destsrc组。 但是,创建一个令人讨厌的复杂正则表达式来匹配下表中的所有情况会更好吗? 在这种情况下,我不确定我将如何解释这些捕获来了解寻址模式是否匹配。


    当您尝试将解析器带入解析器的工作时,您会发现会发生什么。 我认为你的许多困难在于试图用正则表达式做太多。


    如果你走了这条路线,你会写很多小的正则表达式来识别令牌(“MOV”,“#”,“[”,...),然后你会写一个语法来定义它们是如何组成的说明。 如果没有别的,这使得简单地编写解析部分变得更容易。

    你可以看到这是什么样的汇编代码。 (使用ANTLR以外的系统,但想法相同)。 这写起来相当简单,并且试图编写一个正则表达式来统一它们全部没有痛苦。 [我在一个晚上做了这个例子,并用它解析了一大批来源]。

    你不清楚“港口”是什么意思。 据推测,如果不是另一种机器体系结构,你将会使用另一种汇编语法。 为了做到这一点,你需要访问各种指令部分(对于所有可能的MOV指令,单个正则表达式不会给你)。 解析和生成树的美妙之处在于:所有这些部分都暴露在你身上,嵌入到它们所属的结构中。 您甚至可以从多个汇编语言语句生成单个指令,因为该树包含整个程序。 (对于具有千兆字节RAM的系统,树大小并不意味着太大)。




    MOV Rw, Rw
    MOV Rw, #data4
    MOV Rw, #data16
    MOV Rw, [Rw]
    MOV Rw, [Rw+]
    MOV [Rw], Rw
    MOV [-Rw], Rw
    MOV [Rw], [Rw]
    MOV [Rw+], [Rw]
    MOV [Rw], [Rw+]


    Match 1:    MOV Rw, Rw       0      10
    Group "Opt1":   MOV Rw, Rw       0      10
    Group "Opt2" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt3" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt4" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt5" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt6" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt7" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt8" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt9" did not participate in the match
    Group "OptA" did not participate in the match
    Match 2:    MOV Rw, #data4      12      14
    Group "Opt1" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt2":   MOV Rw, #data4      12      14
    Group "Opt3" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt4" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt5" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt6" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt7" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt8" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt9" did not participate in the match
    Group "OptA" did not participate in the match
    Match 3:    MOV Rw, #data16     28      15
    Group "Opt1" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt2" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt3":   MOV Rw, #data16     28      15
    Group "Opt4" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt5" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt6" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt7" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt8" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt9" did not participate in the match
    Group "OptA" did not participate in the match
    Match 4:    MOV Rw, [Rw]        45      12
    Group "Opt1" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt2" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt3" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt4":   MOV Rw, [Rw]        45      12
    Group "Opt5" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt6" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt7" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt8" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt9" did not participate in the match
    Group "OptA" did not participate in the match
    Match 5:    MOV Rw, [Rw+]       59      13
    Group "Opt1" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt2" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt3" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt4" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt5":   MOV Rw, [Rw+]       59      13
    Group "Opt6" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt7" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt8" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt9" did not participate in the match
    Group "OptA" did not participate in the match
    Match 6:    MOV [Rw], Rw        74      12
    Group "Opt1" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt2" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt3" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt4" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt5" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt6":   MOV [Rw], Rw        74      12
    Group "Opt7" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt8" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt9" did not participate in the match
    Group "OptA" did not participate in the match
    Match 7:    MOV [-Rw], Rw       88      13
    Group "Opt1" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt2" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt3" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt4" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt5" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt6" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt7":   MOV [-Rw], Rw       88      13
    Group "Opt8" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt9" did not participate in the match
    Group "OptA" did not participate in the match
    Match 8:    MOV [Rw], [Rw]     103      14
    Group "Opt1" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt2" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt3" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt4" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt5" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt6" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt7" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt8":   MOV [Rw], [Rw]     103      14
    Group "Opt9" did not participate in the match
    Group "OptA" did not participate in the match
    Match 9:    MOV [Rw+], [Rw]    119      15
    Group "Opt1" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt2" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt3" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt4" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt5" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt6" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt7" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt8" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt9":   MOV [Rw+], [Rw]    119      15
    Group "OptA" did not participate in the match
    Match 10:   MOV [Rw], [Rw+]    136      15
    Group "Opt1" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt2" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt3" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt4" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt5" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt6" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt7" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt8" did not participate in the match
    Group "Opt9" did not participate in the match
    Group "OptA":   MOV [Rw], [Rw+]    136      15
    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/72437.html

    上一篇: Regular expression for parsing similar assembler instructions

    下一篇: mov instructions with byte destination for immediate to memory