Silex passing app and request to controller classes

I want a simple way to access $app and $request in my controller classes. The document says to do this,

public function action(Application $app, Request $request) {
 // Do something.

but it doesn't look right to have to inject $app and $request to every method. Is there a way to include $app and $request to every controller by default, maybe using the constructor? I'd like to be able to use it as $this->app.


在Controllers as Services部分的文档中,您可以看到如何通过构造函数向控制器类注入依赖项 - 在这种情况下是存储库。

It's possible :

Create a ControllerResolver.php somewhere in your project and put this inside :

namespace MyProject;

use SilexControllerResolver as BaseControllerResolver;

class ControllerResolver extends BaseControllerResolver
    protected function instantiateController($class)
        return new $class($this->app);

Then register it in your app (before $app->run(); ):

$app['resolver'] = function ($app) {
    return new MyProjectControllerResolver($app, $app['logger']);

Now you can create a base controller for your app, for example :

namespace MyProject;

use SilexApplication;
use SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse;

abstract class BaseController
    public $app;

    public function __construct(Application $app)
        $this->app = $app;

    public function getParam($key)
        $postParams = $this->app['request_stack']->getCurrentRequest()->request->all();
        $getParams = $this->app['request_stack']->getCurrentRequest()->query->all();

        if (isset($postParams[$key])) {
            return $postParams[$key];
        } elseif (isset($getParams[$key])) {
            return $getParams[$key];
        } else {
            return null;

    public function render($view, array $parameters = array())
        $response = new Response();
        return $response->setContent($this->app['twig']->render($view, $parameters));


And extend it :

class HomeController extends BaseController
    public function indexAction()
        // now you can use $this->app

        return $this->render('home.html.twig');

上一篇: 我的Android应用可以检测它是否从Eclipse启动?

下一篇: Silex将应用程序和请求传递给控制器​​类