Changing PHP Temp Directory

I have a site for media conversion where users can upload video, audio or image files and it is converted in to 3 popular formats. Conversion script works fine but I am having some issues with the tmp directory where the files get uploaded to. I have tried 2 scenarios I am fine with either but neither works and it seems to me to be permissions related but I can seem to fix the problem. I am working locally right now while I work out the kinks.

Scenario 1:

  • File is uploaded to default local tmp directory (C:WINDOWStmp) - works fine
  • Attempt to run conversion script using tmp file that was uploaded and it doesn't work - run from command line works perfectly fine though
  • Scenario 2:

  • File is uploaded to directory I have given IIS_IUSRS full control of (for testing) and file won't upload - yes the directory is spelt correctly (I changed the upload_tmp_dir value in php.ini)
  • Both the site the javascript that send the XMLHttpRequest to the PHP file, as well as the site the PHP file itself reside on are IIS sites so I assume the script is being run as IIS_IUSRS.

    EDIT: Temp file is no longer being created at all for Scenario 1, can't figure out why I am assuming playing with permission messed something up because the code hasn't changed. I've given Modify to IIS_USRS and USERS to try and get it working again but no luck :( although the error log is still writing to the same folder...weird

    NOTE: The "tmp_name" value of the $_FILES variable I am sending still has a value of "C:WINDOWSTemp'filename'" but the file is not there

    EDIT: Another new development, it appears it is NOT a permissions issue because I can create a temp file via $temp_file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'Test'); however it obviously does not contain the uploaded data so it does not solve my problem

    This is less of a problem solved and more of a workaround. The issue seems to be something with the $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];

    When I echo the contents it looks as I expect however no file appears. So rather than taking advantage of that process that happens naturally, I have had to take a manual approach. What I have done is the following:

    create a temp file

    $temp_file = tempnam(ini_get('upload_tmp_dir'), 'php');

    then add the content from the temp file created during the $_POST request. (which some how are in the $_FILES variable even though the file is not when I look in the directory)

    file_put_contents($temp_file, file_get_contents($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']));

    the I have my temporary file for processing.

    PHP is ignoring the upload_tmp_dir because of one setting on APPLICATION POOLS. It's not php-cgi.exe nor php.ini or a permissions issue. Go to the application pool of the website experiencing the issue: 1. right click 2. select advanced settings 3. scroll to LOAD USER PROFILE and set it to FALSE.

    that did the trick for me.


    上一篇: 更改php上传tmp文件的权限。 Clamav deamon无法访问

    下一篇: 更改PHP临时目录