Python if statement error handling

Possible Duplicate:
How do I check if a file exists using Python?

I am kind of a beginner learning python, but I got this bit of code that I want to handle in a way if someone was too enter an invalid path that does not exists like Z: instead of C: I want it to raise some sort of error, now I know how to go about doing it, I just do not know how to check if it will be invalid? like how can I make my code check if that drive or path exist on this PC before it creates the path, is there a way to do that in python?

website_path = input("nEnter the absolute path for your website: ")

any advice would be great, thanks.

The Pythonic way of handling this is to "ask forgiveness, not permission": just try to perform whatever operation you were going to on the path you get (like opening files) and let the functions you're calling raise the appropriate exception for you. Then use exception handling to make the error messages more user friendly.

That way, you'll get all the checks done just in time. Checking beforehand is unreliable; what if you check whether a file exists, just before some other process deletes it?

I guess you are looking for something like this. You can use try and except to test if things will work or not. You can also handle specific exceptions under the except block. (I'm sure urlopen will return one when it fails)

from urllib import urlopen
website_path = raw_input("nEnter the absolute path for your website: ")
    content = urlopen(website_path).read()
    print "Success, I was able to open: ", website_path 
    print "Error, Unable to open: " , website_path

上一篇: 如果文件不存在,请复制文件

下一篇: Python if语句错误处理