Javascript one line If...else...else if statement

I know you can set variables with one line if/else statements by doing var variable = (condition) ? (true block) : (else block) var variable = (condition) ? (true block) : (else block) , but I was wondering if there was a way to put an else if statement in there. Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks everyone!


var variable = (condition) ? (true block) : ((condition2) ? (true block2) : (else block2))


Yes, you can... If a then a, else if b then if c then c(b), else b, else null

a ? a : (b ? (c ? c(b) : b) : null)

  ? a
  : b
      ? c
        ? c(b)
        : b
      : null

longer version

Ternary operator ?: used as inline if-else is right associative . In short this means that the rightmost ? gets fed first and it takes exactly one closest operand on the left and two , with a : , on the right.

Practically speaking, consider the following statement (same as above):

a ? a : b ? c ? c(b) : b : null

The rightmost ? gets fed first, so find it and its surrounding three arguments and consecutively expand to the left to another ? .

   a ? a : b ? c ? c(b) : b : null
                 ^                  <---- RTL
1.            |1-?-2----:-3|
             ^ <-
2.        |1-?|--2---------|:-3---|
     ^ <-

result: a ? a : (b ? (c ? c(b) : b) : null)

This is how computers read it:

  • Term a is read.
    Node: a
  • Nonterminal ? is read.
    Node: a ?
  • Term a is read.
    Node: a ? a a ? a
  • Nonterminal : is read.
    Node: a ? a : a ? a :
  • Term b is read.
    Node: a ? a : b a ? a : b
  • Nonterminal ? is read, triggering the right-associativity rule. Associativity decides:
    node: a ? a : (b ? a ? a : (b ?
  • Term c is read.
    Node: a ? a : (b ? c a ? a : (b ? c
  • Nonterminal ? is read, re-applying the right-associativity rule.
    Node: a ? a : (b ? (c ? a ? a : (b ? (c ?
  • Term c(b) is read.
    Node: a ? a : (b ? (c ? c(b) a ? a : (b ? (c ? c(b)
  • Nonterminal : is read.
    Node: a ? a : (b ? (c ? c(b) : a ? a : (b ? (c ? c(b) :
  • Term b is read.
    Node: a ? a : (b ? (c ? c(b) : b a ? a : (b ? (c ? c(b) : b
  • Nonterminal : is read. The ternary operator ?: from previous scope is satisfied and the scope is closed.
    Node: a ? a : (b ? (c ? c(b) : b) : a ? a : (b ? (c ? c(b) : b) :
  • Term null is read.
    Node: a ? a : (b ? (c ? c(b) : b) : null a ? a : (b ? (c ? c(b) : b) : null
  • No tokens to read. Close remaining open parenthesis.

    Result is: a ? a : (b ? (c ? c(b) : b) : null) a ? a : (b ? (c ? c(b) : b) : null)

  • Better readability

    The ugly oneliner from above could (and should) be rewritten for readability as:
    (Note that the indentation does not implicitly define correct closures as brackets () do.)

      ? a
      : b
          ? c
            ? c(b)
            : b
          : null

    for example

    return a + some_lengthy_variable_name > another_variable
            ? "yep"
            : "nop"

    More reading

    Mozilla: JavaScript Conditional Operator
    Wiki: Operator Associativity

    Bonus: Logical operators

    var a = 0 // 1
    var b = 20
    var c = null // x=> {console.log('b is', x); return true} // return true here!
      && a
      || b
          && c
            && c(b) // if this returns false, || b is processed
            || b
          || null

    Using logical operators as in this example is ugly and wrong, but this is where they shine...

    "Null coalescence"

    function(mayBeNull) {
      var cantBeNull = mayBeNull || 42             // "default" value
      var alsoCantBe = mayBeNull ? mayBeNull : 42  // ugly...

    Short-circuit evaluation

    false && (anything) // is short-circuit evaluated to false.
    true || (anything)  // is short-circuit evaluated to true.

    Logical operators
    Null coalescence
    Short-circuit evaluation

    This is use mostly for assigning variable, and it uses binomial conditioning eg.

    var time = Date().getHours(); // or something
    var clockTime = time > 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM' ;

    There is no ElseIf, for the sake of development don't use chaining, you can use switch which is much faster if you have multiple conditioning in .js


    上一篇: 在Javascript中合并?

    下一篇: Javascript一行If ... else ... else if语句