




     * @param service google drive instance
     * @param title the title (name) of the folder (the one you search for)
     * @param parentId the parent Id of this folder (use root) if the folder is in the main directory of google drive
     * @return google drive file object 
     * @throws IOException
    private File getExistsFolder(Drive service,String title,String parentId) throws IOException 
        Drive.Files.List request;
        request = service.files().list();
        String query = "mimeType='application/vnd.google-apps.folder' AND trashed=false AND title='" + title + "' AND '" + parentId + "' in parents";
        Logger.info(TAG + ": isFolderExists(): Query= " + query);
        request = request.setQ(query);
        FileList files = request.execute();
        Logger.info(TAG + ": isFolderExists(): List Size =" + files.getItems().size());
        if (files.getItems().size() == 0) //if the size is zero, then the folder doesn't exist
            return null;
            //since google drive allows to have multiple folders with the same title (name)
            //we select the first file in the list to return
            return files.getItems().get(0);


 * @param service google drive instance
 * @param title the folder's title
 * @param listParentReference the list of parents references where you want the folder to be created, 
 * if you have more than one parent references, then a folder will be created in each one of them  
 * @return google drive file object   
 * @throws IOException
private File createFolder(Drive service,String title,List<ParentReference> listParentReference) throws IOException
    File body = new File();
    File file = service.files().insert(body).execute(); 
    return file;


第三个函数用于在Google Drive中创建文件夹的目录路径而不重复。 为了防止谷歌驱动器中的重复文件夹,该功能将在创建之前检查该文件夹是否存在。

 * @param service google drive instance
 * @param titles list of folders titles 
 * i.e. if your path like this folder1/folder2/folder3 then pass them in this order createFoldersPath(service, folder1, folder2, folder3)
 * @return parent reference of the last added folder in case you want to use it to create a file inside this folder.
 * @throws IOException
private List<ParentReference> createFoldersPath(Drive service,String...titles) throws IOException
    List<ParentReference> listParentReference = new ArrayList<ParentReference>();
    File file = null;
    for(int i=0;i<titles.length;i++)
        file = getExistsFolder(service, titles[i], (file==null)?"root":file.getId());
        if (file == null)
            file = createFolder(service, titles[i], listParentReference);
        listParentReference.add(new ParentReference().setId(file.getId()));
    return listParentReference;
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/73533.html

上一篇: How to create folders in google drive without duplicate?

下一篇: Show product thumbnail on woocommerce New Order email