Outlook using rules not showing new message alert in system tray

I created a few rules for Microsoft Outlook 2010, that specific mails go to specific folders. This works fine, but I don't get an alert in system tray when I have new mails.

Is there a way to fix this?

According to the sources I've listed below, this seems to not be possible, and it seems to be expected behavior of MS Office since 2007.

  • http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_2010-outlook/show-an-envelope-icon-in-the-taskbar-and-play-a/7c5608af-dca4-46c7-ad40-bd959a2c1402
  • http://www.msofficeforums.com/outlook/6140-modifying-rule-show-new-mail-envelope-task.html
  • http://www.howto-outlook.com/faq/missingenvelope.htm
  • I would love for someone to prove me wrong, because I would like to have an envelope as well. Wish MS would at least give an option to turn this setting on and off.

    It is possible with an additional rule.

  • Open the Rules and Alerts dialog;

  • Outlook 2003 an Outlook 2007: Tools-> Rules and Alerts… (press OK if you get an HTTP warning)
  • Outlook 2010: tab Home-> group Move-> button Rules-> Manage Rules & Alerts…
  • Outlook 2013: File/Home -> Manage Rules and Alerts
  • Button New Rule…

  • Select "Start from a blank rule" and verify that "Check messages when they arrive" is selected.
  • Press Next to go to the Conditions screen.
  • Verify that no condition is selected and press Next.
  • A warning will pop-up stating that this rule will apply to all messages. Press "Yes" to indicate that that is correct.
  • Select the action "display a Desktop Alert".
  • Press Finish to complete the rule.
  • If needed move the "display a Desktop Alert" rule all the way to the top.
  • Source: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/df4b0309-beb0-4eb8-9e90-e06214e5c1bf/notifications-envelope-not-showing-for-subfolders-using-rule-move-to-folder?forum=outlook

    I just added the Outlook 2013 part, because this old question/problem is still relevant in the current version where I use this mechanism successfully.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/73538.html

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    下一篇: 使用系统托盘中未显示新消息警报的规则的Outlook