How can I get autocomplete for CSS3 properties on Eclipse (Helios)

请注意,我已经拥有CSS自动完成支持,我需要CSS3属性和CSS的其他专有属性,例如border-raduis,:: selection,-mozkit和-webkit属性。

You could install the Aptana Studio 3.0.3 plugin which has support for CSS3 properties. Aptana Ticket #1986 shows a way to enable matching for browser vendor specific extensions. Ticket #1495 is also relevant.

WARNING! I read on How do I add FTP support to Eclipse?, that the plugin could potentially overwrite or re-organise a lot of your Eclipse workspace. This is an older answer now, so the new version of plugin might be better. I wouldn't want my advice to break your Eclipse without warning you first :-)


上一篇: 在SBT中为多个测试文件夹设置操作

下一篇: 如何在Eclipse上使用CSS3属性自动完成(Helios)