Why is operator == not automatically synthesized for nested classes in C++

If I try to compile:

class Outer 
    class Inner 
        int t;
    Inner inner_;
    bool operator ==(Outer rightSide);

bool Outer::operator ==(Outer rightSide)
    if (inner_ == rightSide.inner_)
        return true;
    return false;

I get an error:

error: no match for ‘operator==’ in ‘((Outer*)this)->Outer::inner_ == 

Please, is it just me doing something wrong or is this a property of C++


Oh, I never realized that the operator == is never synthesized, I was so convinced that it is synthesized, that I did not bother to check.
Thank you Parapura Rajkumar!

Comparison operators are never implicitly generated. Only these things are:

  • Default constructor,
  • Destructor,
  • Copy and move constructors,
  • Copy-assigment and move-assignment operators
  • If you want to be able to compare your types, you'll have to write your own comparison operators. If you implement them as members, then they should be declared const ; otherwise, it will be impossible to compare constant objects. You might also consider taking arguments as constant references to avoid unnecessary copying; it makes little difference for simple types like these, but can be much more efficient for large or complicated classes. Something like:

    bool Outer::operator==(Outer const & rhs) const {
        return inner_.t == rhs.inner_.t;

    or as a non-member function:

    bool operator==(Outer const & lhs, Outer const & rhs) {
        return lhs.inner_.t == rhs.inner_.t;

    You didn't define the operator== for class Inner . So your code should be :

    class Outer
        class Inner
            int t;
            bool operator == (Inner inner)
                return t == inner.t;
        Inner inner_;
        bool operator == (Outer rightSide);
    bool Outer::operator == (Outer rightSide)
        return inner_ == rightSide.inner_;
    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/73776.html

    上一篇: 在C ++中没有重载operator ==的结构成员相等

    下一篇: 为什么operator ==不能自动为C ++中的嵌套类合成