SQL connection string with alternate credentials

I have an app written in vb.net (VS 2010) that connects to a SQL Server 2008 R2 database on a domain network. I use Windows Authentication to connect with no problem. I have installed the app on a tablet that uses a "functional" domain account (no permissions to the db). At login, I prompt for the Windows network credentials. I can pass the userId and password but my login fails. If I also use SSPI along with the userId and password (in the conn string), of course the connection ignores the supplied userId and password. How do I need to set up SQL to handle a login for both Windows Authentication and allow the userId and password to be supplied? Or how do I need to write the connection string?

In other words, the user logs into the tablet with an account that cannot be authenticated. I want to bypass the windows login and have the user supply their windows credentials so I can pass them to SQL to allow access.

Thanks in advance.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/74076.html

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