Change Titles of Default Apple UITabBarItems

Hello I am making a sports app and I have three UITabBarItem s in a tab bar: Featured, My Teams and Results. I like the default icons for each as the default featured, most viewed and history respectively.

What it looks like in the .xib:

However when I try to change the titles in the UIViewController they do not change.

UIViewController code (I do not need to change the title of featured):

[_teamsItem setTitle:@"Teams"];
[_resultsItem setTitle:@"Results"];

How can I change the titles, or how can I use the icons from those default UITabBarItems to create my own? Thanks in advance.

If you use system icons, they come with the titles. You can't use just the icons (without titles), unless you use a tool like iOS Artwork Extractor to actually extract the images from iOS and add them to your project.


上一篇: 设置Cursor / Caret索引

下一篇: 更改默认Apple UITabBarItems的标题