Customizing Contenteditable behavior with javascript

Currently under firefox when I press return in a contenteditable paragraph it inserts a br tag creates a new paragraph tag and then puts a br tag inside that new paragraph. I would like to modify the behavior such that

  • Shift+enter = br tag (this is already the default)
  • Enter duplicates the current element be it p,li,h1..etc and removes any trailing or leading (the W3C specification require some events that I could use, but I am not at all sure how implement them.
  • Backspace at the beginning of an element will merge it with the preceeding sibling if it exists
  • Delete at the end of an element will merge it with the following sibling if it exists.
  • I have tried trapping keypress and checking for the return, delete, and backspace keys, but I can't seem to get the current caret position accurately or to prevent the default behavior if I am overriding it.

    I would find it most helpful if anyone out there knows how to..

  • Get and/or Set the current caret position in a contenteditable paragraph.
  • prevent the default behavior of contenteditable
  • attach the events required by the W3C recommendation.
  • Perhaps someone even knows of a user agent (browser) that already behaves in this way. That is acceptable.



    To edit content-editable behavior, I'd do this:

       if(e.keyCode==13 && e.shiftKey){ //enter && shift
          e.preventDefault(); //Prevent default browser behavior

    You can edit what's inside the html function. PS: I don't remember if jQuery has the shiftKey and keyCode on the event object...if anything goes wrong change e to e.originalEvent .

    To Get carret position : In non-IE:


    上一篇: 在contenteditable块中分出和/或删除段落

    下一篇: 使用javascript定制Contenteditable行为