Contenteditable setCursorPos(elem, pos), pos = getCursorPos(elem)

Does anybody have workable solution to get or set cursor position in contenteditable div with elements inside? What I going to do is to create twitter-like field where I will insert on @ sign pressed. Problem is that browsers are pretty buggy with contenteditable attribute, so I cant rely on them for insert. So my algorithm is:

  • When @ pressed
  • GetCursorPos
  • get content of div as a string, split it to two halves
  • Insert string with span between halves
  • Do $(div).html(new_content) - cursor will be dropped to beginning
  • move cursor to old_cursor + span's text length
  • Problem with 2 and 5. I checked following questions:

  • Set cursor position on contentEditable <div>
  • How to set caret(cursor) position in contenteditable element (div)?
  • Set the caret position always to end in contenteditable div
  • How to move cursor to end of contenteditable entity
  • contenteditable, set caret at the end of the text (cross-browser)
  • And many more... There is NO workable solution (FF, Chrome, IE) for setCursorPos(elem, pos) - everywhere is move to the end or save and restore. Also I have getCursorPosition, but sometimes in chrome it gives incorrect results, so this function appreciated also!

    Thanks a lot!


    上一篇: 当使用箭头键时,Contenteditable跳转到另一个元素

    下一篇: Contenteditable setCursorPos(elem,pos),pos = getCursorPos(elem)