In AngularJS, how do I optionally wrap item in a link

I have a person with a name and an optional home page. How do I optionally wrap their name in an anchor tag?

<ul ng-repeat='person in people'>
    <a href="{{}}">

or in the case where is nil

<ul ng-repeat='person in people'>

In rails I would use the method <%= link_to_unless,, %>

How do I do this in AngularJS?

You could add the following function to your scope:

$scope.linkToUnless = function(condition, label, href) {
    return condition ? '<a href="'+href'+">'+label+'</a>' : label;

or you could rework your HTML to something like:

<ul ng-repeat='person in people'>
    <a href="{{}}" ng-if="">
    <span ng-if="!">

(just a note inspired by OP's comment, ng-if is available only since anugular 1.1.5; for older versions use ng-show and ng-hide instead

or you could write a custom directive and use it like:

<link-to-if href="" label="" />

上一篇: 附加鼠标滚轮事件监听器不重置滚动惯量

下一篇: 在AngularJS中,我如何可选地将项目包装在链接中