Intuitive way to view most active fork

Is there a third party tool that visualizes forks and activities?

For example, this is a network graph of a github repository


There is no indication of which fork has the most stars and watchers. The commits may be simple updates to documentation files, for example.

Are there any tools that are more informative in browsing github forks?

I don't know of one, but you could probably write one easily given the breadth of API wrappers out there. An example with would be

import github3

r = github3.repository('owner', 'repo_name')
most_watched = next(r.iter_forks(sort='watchers', number=1))

As best I know, you cannot sort on stars and repositories don't have that information returned to them. You could, however, sort on forks but you would have to do it by hand.

The above example is two lines but you can achieve the same thing like so:


That won't limit how many results you get, though.


上一篇: 下载png图像与透明背景显示黑色背景

下一篇: 直观的方式来查看最活跃的分叉