How to call an external web

I am going to create a webservice (I think in java) which role is to treat a picture (IN) and to return a result (OUT). I would like to use that web service from my Joomla website. The process will be :

1- upload of a picture from the website

2- we call the web service to treat the picture

3- we receive the result and display it in a new page

I really don't know how to proceed to do these 3 steps. My first question is : how do I call a web service with Joomla (2.5)?


You can always use a wrapper which basically means have external websites appear inside where the article/components usually are.

Simply create a new menu item, change the type to "wrapper" and select the URL.

I think this is what you are looking for, if not please explain in more detail.


I tried the example below in Joomla! using Jumi and it worked. If you have php 5.3 you can try with Sourcerer too.


上一篇: 这会工作吗?

下一篇: 如何调用外部网络