How can I step into Microsoft's .NET framework source code?

I'd like to step into Microsoft's source code but cannot.

I followed the instructions at Configuring Visual Studio for Debugging. In particular, I disabled "Enable Just My Code" and Enabled "Enabled .NET Framework source stepping". Finally, set the source symbol location to "".

However, when I double click on a frame item on the stack, I get some assembler code, not C# code. Also the "go to source code" menu item is disabled.

I am using Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and .NET 3.5 SP1. I created a brand new folder for the downloaded stuff. I get some pdb files but no C# file.

I looked at Configuring Visual Studio to Debug .NET Framework Source Code and installed the path. It makes no difference. I am trying to the source code of WPF. The pdb are downloaded so it looks like Microsoft supports those.

Is there a trick to fix this?

As far as I have observed .NET framework stepping with the reference source works just fine with the guides you find everywhere. With VS SP1 you don't even have to add the path to the reference source server.

But the problem are mismatched versions. The framework assemblies were updated with .NET 3.5 SP1, Vista SP2, Windows 7, ... but their reference source PDBs weren't made available. The corresponding reference source forum seems quite dead, too. I remember reading that it took them a bit longer to push out the initial symbols because they built an infrastructure that would allow them to push new versions quickly. Either that didn't really happen or they don't use it.

Not all parts of the .NET framework is available as reference source, but the parts that are (and steps for getting it up and running) is described in Shawn Burke's blog, Configuring Visual Studio to Debug .NET Framework Source Code.

Update: Hmm. It is broken on my machine too although it used to work. Weird.


上一篇: 无法在Visual Studio 2010中调试MVC源代码

下一篇: 我怎样才能进入微软的.NET框架源代码?