OSGi bundle repository with plain Maven JARs

I am working on to reach a solution to deploy a web application as a bundle to Virgo 3.0.1.RELEASE. My scenario is:

  • I use Maven Bundle Plugin to generate the manifest.
  • I exclude all the JAR dependencies using Maven WAR plugin.
  • I need to command Virgo to host the plain Maven JAR artifacts in the local repository. As an instance Apache Karaf along with PAX can provide plain JAR files as OSGi bundles.
  • So,

  • Any ideas on how to configure Virgo for to host Maven repository plain JARs?
  • Generally, in your experience, what is the best solution to use a ready Maven repository and host it as an OBR?
  • Thanks in advance.

    我迄今发现的最佳解决方案实际上是在Apache Karaf上使用Wrap Deployer。

    Basically stick with Karaf, since it provides all you need :) With Karaf and the features you don't really need a OBR, since the features service does a pretty good job of resolving already deployed bundles and won't install those again. You need to add the OBR flag to your features file though.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/74756.html

    上一篇: 在OSGi包中添加第三方Maven依赖关系的最佳方法

    下一篇: OSGi捆绑存储库与普通的Maven JAR