How do I access named capturing groups in a .NET Regex?
I'm having a hard time finding a good resource that explains how to use Named Capturing Groups in C#. This is the code that I have so far:
string page = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytePage);
Regex qariRegex = new Regex("<td><a href="(?<link>.*?)">(?<name>.*?)</a></td>");
MatchCollection mc = qariRegex.Matches(page);
CaptureCollection cc = mc[0].Captures;
However this always just shows the full line:
<td><a href="/path/to/file">Name of File</a></td>
I have experimented with several other "methods" that I've found on various websites but I keep getting the same result.
How can I access the named capturing groups that are specified in my regex?
foreach (Match m in mc){
You specify the named capture group string by passing it to the indexer of the Groups
property of a resulting Match
Here is a small example:
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
class Program
static void Main()
String sample = "hello-world-";
Regex regex = new Regex("-(?<test>[^-]*)-");
Match match = regex.Match(sample);
if (match.Success)
The following code sample, will match the pattern even in case of space characters in between. ie :
<td><a href='/path/to/file'>Name of File</a></td>
as well as:
<td> <a href='/path/to/file' >Name of File</a> </td>
Method returns true or false, depending on whether the input htmlTd string matches the pattern or no. If it matches, the out params contain the link and name respectively.
/// <summary>
/// Assigns proper values to link and name, if the htmlId matches the pattern
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true if success, false otherwise</returns>
public static bool TryGetHrefDetails(string htmlTd, out string link, out string name)
link = null;
name = null;
string pattern = "<td>s*<as*hrefs*=s*(?:"(?<link>[^"]*)"|(?<link>S+))s*>(?<name>.*)s*</a>s*</td>";
if (Regex.IsMatch(htmlTd, pattern))
Regex r = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
link = r.Match(htmlTd).Result("${link}");
name = r.Match(htmlTd).Result("${name}");
return true;
return false;
I have tested this and it works correctly.