所以我有一个TextSwitcher,我想每秒钟更新它自打开活动以来的秒数。 这是我的代码
public class SecondActivity extends Activity implements ViewFactory { private TextSwitcher counter; private Timer secondCounter; int elapsedTime = 0; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // Create the layout super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.event); // Timer that keeps track of elapsed time counter = (TextSwitcher) findViewById(R.id.timeswitcher); Animation in = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, android.R.anim.fade_in); Animation out = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, android.R.anim.fade_out); counter.setFactory(this); counter.setInAnimation(in); counter.setOutAnimation(out); secondCounter = new Timer(); secondCounter.schedule(new TimerUpdate(), 0, 1000); } /** * Updates the clock timer every second */ public void updateClock() { //Update time elapsedTime++; int hours = elapsedTime/360; int minutes = elapsedTime/60; int seconds = elapsedTime%60; // Format the string based on the number of hours, minutes and seconds String time = ""; if (!hours >= 10) { time += "0"; } time += hours + ":"; if (!minutes >= 10) { time += "0"; } time += minutes + ":"; if (!seconds >= 10) { time += "0"; } time += seconds; // Set the text to the textview counter.setText(time); } private class TimerUpdate extends TimerTask { @Override public void run() { updateClock(); } } @Override public View makeView() { Log.d("MakeView"); TextView t = new TextView(this); t.setTextSize(40); return t; } }
所以基本上,我有一个计时器,每秒钟都会添加另一秒,它们格式化我希望显示的方式,并设置TextSwitcher的文本,我认为它叫做makeView,但makeView只被调用一次,时间保持为00: 00:01。 我错过了一个步骤,我不认为这个UI对象有很好的文档记录。
您只能在UI线程中更新UI。 所以在你的例子中你可以做这样的事情。
private Handler mHandler = new Handler() {
void handleMessage(Message msg) {
switch(msg.what) {
// set text to whatever, value can be put in the Message
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/74931.html