How to use Facebook SDK with

I'm trying to follow the samples of Facebook SDK from site. However, what I know is it's Facebook SDK is working with Activity and only.

Now in my application I'm using with all Fragments in my project and I don't really care about support to older version of Android.

Question is (in case I really need to use Facebook SDK with Fragment (means I don't use it with Activity)

  • How can I use it with
  • if there's no possible way for first question

  • How can I make works with other
  • Thank you

    First, the second question - you can't. The support library is a complete reimplementation and not just a thin wrapper.

    As for the Facebook SDK, you have two options.

    1) Convert the Facebook SDK to use app.Fragment by changing all relevant import statements. This is allowed by the license and should mostly work but now you're maintaining a fork and that's not good.

    2) Convert in a similar way your own code; you won't be able to get away with just imports but it's not a hard conversion... Whether you need the backwards support is irrelevant, you're already maintaining your app, so it doesn't add to your longterm technical debt.

    现在登录按钮有两个方法:setFragment(final fragment)和setFragment(final setFragment(final Fragment fragment)Fragment fragment)


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