The correct separator to use in Excel get

In a VSTO project for Excel written in C#, I need to get the Range object from a string list of cells.

Here is a simplified version of the problem:

string strRange = "A1:A2,A5";
Excel.Range r = sheet.get_Range(strRange);

However since the list separator can be different from the comma in different culture settings I'm actually using this:

listSep = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ListSeparator;
string strRange = "A1:A2" + listSep + "A5";
Excel.Range r = sheet.get_Range(strRange);

My problem is when the user changes "Decimal Separator" in Excel Options > Advanced (the Application.DecimalSeparator) to match the ListSeparator, this won't work.

What is the correct way to call get_Range with a string specifying the Range?

EDIT: Slight modification to add information of my comment below.

Not the cleanest approach, but this workaround helped me:

private static string GetRangeSeparator(Excel.Worksheet sheet)
     Excel.Application app = sheet.Application;
     string sRng = app.Union(sheet.get_Range("A1"), sheet.get_Range("A3")).AddressLocal;
     sRng = sRng.Replace("$", string.Empty);
     string sSep = sRng.Substring(sRng.IndexOf("A3") - 1, 1);
     return sSep;

Hope it'll help someone.

You might consider using the Application.Union method to build your range. Something like (untested):

Application.Union(sheet.get_Range("A1:A2"), sheet.get_Range("A5"));

上一篇: .NET文化是否以不同方式处理整数的规范表示?

下一篇: 在Excel中使用正确的分隔符