Visual Studio 2013 lost code formatting, C#

I've updated my Visual Studio to 2013 Professional, but in doing so I seem to have lost a lot of the code formatting. I've gone into Tools - Options - Environment - Fonts and Colors and reset the defaults. I've even gone Tools - Options - Environment - Import and Export Settings and browsed to my 2012 settings folder, but again I am missing out on a lot of code formatting.

Keywords are highlighted, but any classes etc are not. Other people in my team have upgraded without any problems (I just used the default download installer)

Any help is much appreciated as currently I'm basically just using a glorified version of notepad to code with this below image


If you're using Productive Power Tools, go to => Tools -> Options -> Productive Power Tools. In main menu, TURN OFF the option: Colorized Parameter Help.

Otherwise Go to tools in visual studio > Option>TextEditor>C#>See the option for anything you missed . (Am not sure , It's pretty,But it's my small idea only)

See this same discussions :Plain C# Editor in Visual Studio 2012 (No intellisense, no indentation, no code highlighting)

Once in a while (each day) I have the same problem. Especially after changing project branch in git.

The simplest way to fix so far: file, close solution and then file, recent projects and solutions and reload your solution.


上一篇: 在Mac上使用eclipse的c ++调试器

下一篇: Visual Studio 2013丢失了代码格式,C#