Spell Checking With Redactor On Heroku

I am trying to implement spell check in Redactor in a RoR application running on Heroku (Cedar stack).

The answer outlined in this SO question doesn't work for me because it requires being able to run PHP on my local server, which does not seem possible with Heroku. Even if I defeated the cross-origin protections, running PHP on a server external to my Rails app doesn't seem like a good idea.

After the Deadline seems like a possible solution, but the After The Deadline gem returns the raw spell checker data without integration into Redactor.

Has anyone been able to successfully either:

  • Implement After The Deadline with Redactor in a RoR environment?
  • Gotten jQuery Spellchecker working in RoR and Heroku?
  • If not, are there any other solutions for spell check for Redactor in RoR on Heroku?

    "are there any other solutions for spell check for Redactor in RoR on Heroku?"

    • Yes, there is a gem built by SammyLin which integrates Redactor to a rails app.

    And please note heroku has a PHP support and documentation.

    What problems are you facing when you tried jQuery Spellchecker. Cuz it seems like they have given the documentation plus i have found a demo of redactor with jquery spellchecker.


    i think jQuery Spellcheker documentation is pretty clear. Try it and if you find any problems then please update the question regarding the problem.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/75378.html

    上一篇: 是声明函数,然后在C / C ++中定义它的内联法律?

    下一篇: 拼写检查与Heroku上的Redactor