Do not require friends list

I'm currently scoping for just email on my Facebook login link

$params = array(
    'redirect_uri' => $redirect_url,
    'scope' => 'email'

But Facebook states that the user is providing access to their friend list. Users will not login because of this requirement.

Does anyone know how to turn it off?

This is expected behavior. By granting access to your application (even without specifying any permissions), some information is already made available to your app.

Check out the documentation page dealing with the basic permissions granted to an application:

The public profile and friend list is the basic information available to an app. All other permissions and content must be explicitly asked for.

When a user logs into your app and you request no additional permissions, the app will have access to only the user's public profile and friend list. By default, public profile includes the following properties:

  • id
  • name
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • link
  • username
  • gender
  • locale
  • age_range
  • Other public information
  • There is no way to turn it off and every single application that you install will display this warning/alert (that you are providing the application access to this data).


    上一篇: 朋友列表Facebook Graph Api v2.0我/朋友

    下一篇: 不要求朋友名单