Is there a tutorial for coding a GUI without the inaccessible Interface Builder?

I am totally blind and want to code for IOS and/or OS X. In Xcode 5.1, accessibility is improved, but the interface builder still seems unaccessible for voiceover users (like me).

With that in mind, is there a tutorial for coding OS X and iPhone apps without using interface builder in Xcode? Alternatively, is there a way to use interface builder with voiceover (without sight)? I would deffinately like to use gui tools if any exist, but if I have to hard code the thing, so be it.

Thank you in advance!

I have not listened to it but give the following podcast a listen. The description states that it covers interface builder basics.

My sense of the matter is that you should simply code the interface.

First, autolayout makes this much more sensible than it has been in the past. The "visual" constraint language is really symbolic; made for you.

Second, the binding pane simply won't work for you. Bad design, I guess. But there we are. Use the API.

A number of sighted coders, including Brent Simmons (netnewswire, vesper) scarcely use interface builder. You'll be fine without it.

You may want to consider RubyMotion as an alternative.

Austin Seraphin talks about using RubyMotion as a blind developer in this talk MP3 with slides here at the #inspect2013 conference. I found the talk through a blog posting that mentioned Austin's amazing presentation.

For pure XCode use, I tried experimenting with PaintCode but it was useless in Voice Over mode. You may find Erica Sadun's book on Auto-Layout useful as she goes into detail on the code-based approach. The iBooks link to the second edition is here.

I am humbled by the effort that people like Austin and yourself put forth to overcome your obstacles and try to remember this whenever I'm irritated by the minor inconveniences in my life and software development. It seems fatuous to say thank you but I'd just like to offer my congratulations on what you've achieved so far.


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