Will WPF be relevant with Windows 8?

With windows 8 demonstrating 'native HTML 5 apps'.

The first thing that I think of is whether WPF has a place in this HTML 5 world. It kind of seems like Silverlight will stick around but I must ask : Where does WPF fit into the bigger picture microsoft is painting ?

All that's been said is that this (and where Silverlight , XNA, and C++ fit in) will be announced at the BUILD conference in September. Lots of rumors and speculation, but no announcements.

It's too early to tell. Just because Microsoft demoed a particular feature doesn't mean it's dropping everything else.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/7582.html

上一篇: 为什么log4net 1.2.10需要System.Web?

下一篇: WPF将与Windows 8相关吗?