Equivalent of std::vector in Java?

What would be the closest thing to a std::vector in Java? By this I mean, a class which can take in T into its constructor and then pushBack, popBack() and that is stored in continuous memory (not linked list).


Everything's stored in array ("continuous memory") internally, although operation names are a bit different.

A bit more about list implementations in Java
And about generics

Helper Method also mentioned useful class in his answer (although not exactly equivalent to C++ Vector).

That would probably be ArrayDeque, if you need Stack functionality.

Do not use the Stack class as other here suggest.

You're probably looking for the ArrayDeque which supports push/pop style access from both ends of the list efficiently.

Avoid Stack and Vector - these are synchronized, which implies generally pointless overhead.

ArrayList is also fine; however, you'd need to implement your own (trivial) pop method since it is not provided by the class itself. ArrayList does permit indexed access, which ArrayDeque lacks.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/76094.html

上一篇: Java:列表列表的笛卡尔积

下一篇: Java中std :: vector的等价形式?