Checking for null or undefined

Although there are semantic differences between JavaScript's null and undefined , many times they can be treated as the same. What's the preferable way of checking if the value is either null or undefined?

Right now I'm doing the following:

if (typeof value === "undefined" || value === null) {
    // do something

Which is pretty verbose. I could, of course, create a function for this and import everywhere, but I'm wishing that there's a better way to achieve this.

Also, I know that

if (value == null) {

Will get the job done 90% of the time, unless value is zero... or false... or a number of implicit things that can cause obscure bugs.

Also, I know that

if (value == null) {

Will get the job done 90% of the time, unless value is zero... or false... or a number of implicit things that can cause obscure bugs.

No, it gets the job done 100% of the time. The only values that are == null are null and undefined. 0 == null is false. "" == undefined is false. false == null is false. Etc. You're confusing == null with falsiness, which is a very different thing.

That's not to say, though, that it's a good idea to write code expecting everyone to know that. You have a perfectly good, clear check in the code you're already using. Whether you choose to write value == null or the explicit one you're currently using (or if (value === undefined || value === null) ) is a matter of style and in-house convention. But value == null does do what you've asked: Checks that value is null or undefined .

The details of == are here: Abstract Equality Comparison.


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