Integerate JSF,servlet AND JSP

I am just a beginner at JSF So I didn't know whether it is right question. Is it possible that If I make a form with JSF tags/components and define a servlet for action attribute (ie can form data submitted to a servlet) and if yes then How can I achieve this and How can I get form parameters in servlet. Is it same as request.getParameter() of method or anything else.Please explain. I am going to make a project for my self practice and want to use JSF,SERVLET AND JSP all together.

A form defined with the JSF tags has to be handled by JSF. However within a JSF page you can use the normal html tags to define a normal html form (make sure it is outside the jsf form tag). This form can ofcourse use any action you like. While the form won't be JSF you can still use EL expressions within your form to get values from your beans and facelets to lay-out the page.


上一篇: Servlet中的doGet和doPost

下一篇: Integerate JSF,servlet和JSP