Remove null element from mongo array

        "_id" : 160,
        "info" : [
                'name': 'Serg',
                'proff': 'hacker'

As you can see I have null element in my array, I need a general solution that will remove null elements from info array.

I tried this:

for doc in iter:
    people.update({ '_id' : doc['_id']}, { '$pull' : { 'info' : 'null' }})

where iter is a collection of documents. and people is a collection

I also tried this in the shell:

> db.people.findAndModify({ query: {}, update: {'$pull': {info:null} } } )

But none of the above examples delete this null from my documents!! ))

This should work out for you. In python null is called None.

    for doc in iter:

null object in Python?

Also in mongo shell, this should work out:


If you want the update operator, to update more that one document at a time, that is to pull out null values from multiple documents, then you have to supply the multi:true option. Because by default, if the query arguemnt is left blank ie {} and mulit:true is not provided, update operator works on the first document that it finds


上一篇: 为什么'if not None'返回True?

下一篇: 从mongo数组中删除null元素