Chosing a right framework

I am planning to develop a web application using GWT, but before that I need to make few clarifications. The web app what I am developing should be compatible with Mobile phone browsers considerable smart phone browsers.

I googled a lot to know this but I did not find supporting or sufficient documentations.

If GWT doesnt support what would be the other framework, which is open source java based framework?

There is no big problem with mobile websites build using GWT, it generates standard javascript + html. There is some libraries that can help you build mobile site, like And you can write any widget you wish.

But keep in mind that GWT will generate very heavy target files, sometimes few megabytes long. So if you target audience uses GPRS for accessing your site, it could be problematic for them.

There is also other web-framework, that are GWT based: It have great collection of UI components, and currently authors are extending it to be more mobile friendly.

You could also try a different route with Context Framework. I think it suites better to mobile web developing because it is more lightweight solution. I have made a journey planner (in Finnish) with it and it was tailored especially to touch screen phones. You can find it here.


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