Regex how to get everything apart from the first character
This question already has an answer here:
Javascript: (Originally the question was tagged with Javascript)
The regex you have currently captures the value you want, but returns an array. The match without the equal sign is in the second element of the array:
var str = "username=john903?fullname=john&smith".match(/=([^?]*)/)[1]
//str is now "john903"
Java: (OP commented they are in fact using Java)
String line = "username=john903?fullname=john&smith";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("=([^?]*)");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line);
You need to utilize positive lookbehind to achieve this. Reference
and here's a fitting regex
This positive lookahead searches the characters behind the "?", excluding non letter and non numeric. It is a quick solution but may not work for every case.
链接地址:上一篇: 如何提取使用java的字符串正则表达式?