regular expression to remove links

Possible Duplicate:
RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

I have a HTML page with

<a class="development" href="[variable content]">X</a>

The [variable content] is different in each place, the rest is the same.
What regexp will catch all of those links? (Although I am not writing it here, I did try...)


<a class="development" href="(.*?)">X</a>


<a class="development" href="[^"]*">X</a>

Regexes are fundamentally bad at parsing HTML (see Can you provide some examples of why it is hard to parse XML and HTML with a regex? for why). What you need is an HTML parser. See Can you provide an example of parsing HTML with your favorite parser? for examples using a variety of parsers.


上一篇: 正则表达式去除Div标签

下一篇: 正则表达式去除链接